

News 02 Dec 2022
ASOIU hosts training on “Development History and New Perspectives in Information Technologies”

On December 2, the Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association (AICTIA) held a training on "Development History and New Perspectives in Information Technologies" at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The training was attended by the Chairman of the Board of AICTIA, an expert of the Cybersecurity Committee of AICTIA, a cybersecurity specialist of the Electronic Security Service, and an IT business consultant of ITechGroup.

Elvin Abbasov, Chairman of the Board of AICTIA, speaking at the interactive training, talked about the history of information technology and the importance of cybersecurity, a global problem of our time. He talked about issues in ensuring cyber security at the state level and educating young people.

It was noted the use of permanently regularly renewed cybersecurity segments is crucial to protect modern computer systems, networks and software from digital attacks.

Then Rovshan Akbarov, an IT business consultant, Eldar Gurbanov, a representative of the association and Ibrahim Abdulazizli, a cybersecurity specialist, in their speeches gave a brief overview of the modern cybersecurity landscape, segments of the cybersecurity industry, their classification according to current criteria, development forecasts and the main trends of these segments.

In the end, answers were given to students' questions.
