

News 08 Dec 2022
INNAB Career Center specialists hold master class, "Things that we miss while learning computer programs", at ASOIU

On December 7, INNAB Career Center specialists held a master class for students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

At the meeting held at ASOIU, the Head of the INNAB Career Center, Vusala Huseynova, informed the students about the centre and its new projects. Tural Dashdamirov, the trainer of the Center's office programs and programmer, gave extensive information about his work experience and spoke about the importance of Excel in the working mechanism. At the same time, T. Dashdamirov spoke about essential points that should be considered during the interview.

A student of the Information Technologies and Management Faculty, Feyzullayeva Asmar Fazil gizi, won the course with a 50 per cent discount in a master class that ended with a question and answer session.
