

News 07 Dec 2022
Hackathon “Secure Energy” ends at ASOIU

On December 7, the "Secure Energy" hackathon related to the ELECTRON project within the HORIZON 2020 ended at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

 8 teams of students from several higher education institutions completed the provided tasks during 40 hours.

Participants developed new prototypes, presenting innovative solutions to energy crises and cybersecurity problems. At the end of the hackathon, the jury evaluated the projects submitted by three actively participating teams. The evaluation was carried out according to 3 criteria - the problem's relevance, a creative approach to solving the problem and teamwork.

The "Perihelion" team of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) won 1st place, the ASOIU "Innovation" team won 2nd place, and the UFAZ "Homelanders" team won 3rd place. In the end, the winning teams were awarded cash prizes.

It should be noted that the hackathon aims to solve problems in the direction of cybersecurity of energy suppliers in Azerbaijan and Europe and improve the management of energy networks using smart technologies. The participating teams received the support of mentors from Europe and Azerbaijan in developing solutions.
