

News 08 Dec 2022
Conference dedicated to 30th anniversary of Scientific Research Institute under ASOIU

On December 6-7, the International Scientific-Practical Conference "KHAZARNEFTGAZYATAG - 2022" was held. The International Scientific-Practical Conference "KHAZARNEFTGAZYATAG - 2022", which includes solutions to the improvement of oil industry development, is held every two years, and this time dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Scientific Research Institute "Geotechnological Problems Of Oil, Gas And Chemistry" operating under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.
The conference was held with the support of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) in two sections. In the first section, reports were heard on geology, drilling, oil production and transportation of oil and gas, and in the second section - on solving environmental problems in the oil industry and petrochemistry. Representatives of many world countries, including the Russian Federation, Great Britain, Kazakhstan and other countries, attended the conference, held online and offline.
In total, 41 articles and abstracts are presented at the conference in the first section, and 36 articles and abstracts in the second section.
