

News 14 Dec 2022
Management of Azerconnect and AzerTelecom companies meets with ASOIU students

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a meeting between the management of Azerconnect and AzerTelecom companies and students on the theme "Your future is in your hands".

The event, organised in cooperation with the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, was attended by students studying information technology.

Matanat Babayeva, Chief Human Resources Officer at Azerconnect, Parviz Ismailov, IT Director and Ana Nakashidze, Executive Director of AzerTelecom attended the event. The speakers spoke about future professions in the field of ICT, the prospects for the development of the IT and telecommunications industry, and the current and future global network, and they also answered numerous questions from students. The event was moderated by Rasim Abdullayev, Adviser to the ASOIU Rector for Information Technologies and Innovations.

The purpose of the meeting was to get the thoughts and suggestions of young female students studying in the ICT field, to discuss their future career development path, and to bring to the students' attention the job and internship opportunities within the company. During the meeting, the company representatives answered various questions from the students.

It should be noted that Azerconnect is the first B2B (Business to Business) company providing various services in the country's dynamically developing information, communication and high technologies. AzerTelecom is the leading wholesale communication operator in Azerbaijan.
