

News 14 Dec 2022
bp Azerbaijan holds presentation on recruitment and internship opportunities in company for ASOIU students

On December 12, at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), a meeting with students of the Power Engineering Faculty was held within the framework of the 2023 Students and Graduate Recruitment Programme of bp Azerbaijan.

Mehriban Shikhzamanova, Early Career Advisor at bp, provided participants with a detailed introduction to job and internship opportunities for students and graduates and application guidelines.

Then the head of the group of engineers of the Energy Department of the company, Mazahir Ibragimov, and an employee of the department, Ruslan Mammadov, spoke about the conditions and principles of work, goals and objectives.

Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, Dean of the Power Engineering Faculty of ASOIU, emphasized the importance of relations with bp Azerbaijan and said that more extensive work would be carried out in this direction.

In the end, students' questions were answered.

It should be noted that the first meeting on the current program at ASOIU was held on November 17.
