

News 14 Dec 2022
ASOIU hosts meeting with students on Presentation of AIESEC Organisation and Projects

On December 14, AIESEC specialists met with students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

AIESEC Marketing Manager Nurana Jabrayilova gave the students detailed information about the organisation and its projects at the event. Speaking about internship programs, N. Jabrayilova noted that graduates of these programs would get a job, an international certificate and other opportunities. Noting that currently, there are four internship programs under the project, N. Jabrayilova explained the rules for joining in detail to the students.

Solmaz Abdul, manager of the organisation, spoke about the internships and rules of admission. Aydan Bagirzade, Marketing Director of AIESEC, talked in detail about internships and projects.

In the end, the experts answered the students' questions.
