

News 14 Dec 2022
International experts hold seminar for ASOIU students

On December 14, Daniel Serikbaev, Caspian Recruiting Coordinator of the global technology company Schlumberger (SLB), Alexander Nekrasov, Recruiting and University Relations Manager for Russia and Central Asia, had a meeting with students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Initially, Associate Professor Rafik Jamalov, ASOIU Vice-Rector for International Relations, introduced the guests and gave the participants detailed information about the meeting.

Daniel Serikbaev and Alexander Nekrasov made the presentation. They spoke to the students about how to prepare a resume, the recruitment process, essential factors to consider for a successful career, and other similar topics of interest to young people. The meeting, which turned out to be very interesting for the students, continued with a question and answer session. Experienced specialists responded to students' questions and noted that a good education and competence are essential for success, which should always be considered. After the seminar, the guests got acquainted with the university and the conditions created for students to receive a quality education.
