

News 15 Dec 2022
ASOIU Rector meets with students of Secondary School No. 201

On December 14, the management of Baku Secondary School No. 201 and students of grades 10-11th visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Firstly, the school administration and students visited the Mineralogical Museum of ASOIU and got acquainted with the various exhibits. Agamehdi Agayev, Director of the Museum, Assoc. Prof. told the visitors in detail about the name, chemical composition and mineral deposits. Then the guests visited the museum of the university's history and got acquainted with the exhibits related to the history of oil and the university.

Ata Babayev, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor, told the students about the university's history, activities in different periods, honorary graduates, etc. The students also visited the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) laboratories, the Azerbaijani-Turkish Friendship Center and AzII e-Book House, and the memorial complex to the martyrs-graduates of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and a monument to the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov.

After the tour, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the school administration and students. Welcoming the guests at the university, Professor M. Babanli, the Rector, provided them with detailed information about the university's educational process, specialities, student life, scientific achievements, social activities, as well as IT courses available at the university, relations with companies and international cooperation.

Afag Aliyeva, Principal of Secondary School No. 201, expressing her gratitude to the administration for the warm welcome and excursion, highly appreciated the educational environment created at ASOIU and said they are happy to be at the university.

After the completion of the meeting, the guests were presented with memorial gifts.
