

News 15 Dec 2022
UFAZ held info session on its master's programs for ASOIU students


On December 15, representatives of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) made a presentation about its existing master' programs for the students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.
At the presentation, Latifa Nasibova, the head of the Education Department of UFAZ, gave information about the advantages of studying at UFAZ, double diploma, its master's programs, admission rules and calendar.
Later, UFAZ's full-time master's degree program coordinators Clara Jodry (Geosciences), Maxime Florent (Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering), and Samer El Zant (Data Science and Artificial Intelligence), invited from the University of Strasbourg, gave detailed information about the specialities and introduced the students to the curriculum, as well as career and internship opportunities.
Jean-Marc Planeix, vice-president of the University of Strasbourg and coordinator of UFAZ from the Unistra side, informed the students of ASOIU about the advantages of UFAZ master's programs and the possibilities of studying at the doctoral level.
In the end, the experts answered the students' questions.
