

News 16 Dec 2022
AzII E-Book House holds presentation of another book

On December 16, AzII E-Book House hosted a presentation of a bibliographic index from the series “Energy Scientists of Azerbaijan”, dedicated to the life and teaching activities of Kamal Abdullayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Consultant Professor of the Department of Energy Production Technologies. The bibliographic index is the next edition prepared by AzII E-Book House.

A video dedicated to the life and work of Professor Kamal Abdullayev was shown at the event. After Salakhat Makhmudova, Director of AzII E-Book House informed the participants about the event, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs of ASOIU, Gahraman Hasanov, Professor of ASOIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Aydin Aliyev, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, Shukur Nasirov, Associate Professor, Head of Department Energy Production Technologies, Sevinj Mirzoyeva, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Power Engineering, Dunyamaddin Askerov Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Fahraddin Rahimov, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy Production Technologies, Alakbar Hasanov, Professor of CTF and others in their speeches noted the importance of the new publication.

The bibliographic index is 2022 edition. It was printed in the printing house of ASOIU. The bibliography includes the main dates of the life and work of the scientist, published works, articles, abstracts and speeches. The indicator is intended for scientists, specialists, students and a wide range of readers working in the energy field.
