

News 22 Dec 2022
Lecture for ASOIU students held at manufacturing enterprise

Head of the department "Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds" of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Prof. Fariz Amirov, Assoc. Prof. Gulnara Alieva, Assoc. Prof. Tamilla Naibova, Assoc. Prof. Zaur Agamaliev and other employees of the department have given a lecture on the topic "Technology for making bread, pasta, flour confectionery" for students of the speciality "Food Engineering" at "Çörəkçi-Delta Group" LLC. First, the students were instructed about the rules of sanitation and safety. After getting acquainted with the manufacturing enterprise, the students watched the preparation of various bread, buns and other products. The students were told that many types of bread are produced in a factory, and the products are made without human touch.

Conducting lectures directly in institutions plays a significant role in improving the knowledge and skills of students. At this time, students easily apply their theoretical knowledge in practice.
