

News 22 Dec 2022
ASOIU hosts presentation on the AzerGold CJSC for students

            On December 23, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation on the AzerGold Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) for students of the Geological Exploration Faculty.

           In accordance with the Memorandum on corporation in education, scientific and technical development and advanced training in the field of geology and mining signed between ASOIU and CJSC on May 30, 2017, students were provided with information about activities of a state-owned mining company at the meeting held within the Action Plan approved for the 2022-2023 academic years.

            It was noted that AzerGold CJSC, which has been paying particular attention to the issues of training professional personnel in the field of mining since its foundation, has established close cooperation relations with higher and vocational educational institutions operating in our country that allow students and graduates to gain experience in relevant areas and take the first steps in a future career. Thus, based on agreements reached with educational institutions, conditions are being created for students to undergo internships at the head office of the CJSC and production sites. In addition, specialists of the Joint Stock Company give lectures for students, as well as hold various competitions and incentive events. 191 students and graduates have participated in the internship program, and 27 people have been employed.

            Also, at the meeting, information was provided on the competitions of the scholarship program held for the second year and organised by AzerGold CJSC for students of higher and vocational educational institutions. It was reported that students who won the competitions announced to timely provide the strategic projects of the joint-stock company with the necessary personnel, develop the base of local specialists in the relevant specialities, are involved in internship programs, and after graduation, the required steps are taken following the requirements of the joint-stock company to ensure their jobs to the relevant vacancies.

             At the discussion-style meeting, a representative of AzerGold CJSC answered numerous questions from students. In the end, a Faculty of Geological Exploration student, Movsum Rajabli, who actively participated in the event, was presented with a souvenir on behalf of AzerGold CJSC.
