

News 26 Dec 2022
Signing Memorandum between ASOIU and “Jihaz” Production Union

A meeting has been held between Prof. Mustafa Babanlı, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), and Falah Guliyev, the director of the "Jihaz" Production Union of the Ministry of Defense Industry.

Representatives from both sides, academic staff and students of the Department of Instrumentation of ASOIU, participated in the meeting discussing various issues related to education, science, training and employment. Professor Mustafa Babanlı, the Rector, informed the guests about the university and talked about the education and teaching process here. It was concluded that today, in addition to the training of highly qualified personnel, the university has also entered a new stage in research-oriented directions and scientific achievements. Talking about the importance of cooperation with "Jihaz" PU, Professor M. Babanlı, the Rector, noted that the university offers education in Instrumentation, the department of the same name has enough experienced professors and teachers in this field, and highly qualified specialists are trained.

F. Guliyev, Director of "Jihaz" PU, also spoke about the importance of cooperation with the university for them. He noted that there would be closer cooperation with the university in the future, and in addition to providing students with internships at the institution, it will be considered that there will be permanent employment according to their qualifications. A Memorandum on Cooperation was signed between the parties to implement the issues discussed at the meeting and establish a legal basis.
