

News 30 Dec 2022
New library at ASOIU

On December 30, an open library ceremony happened at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University(ASOIU). Professor Mustafa Babanli, ASOIU Rector, university faculty and students took part in the opening library on the balance of AzII e-Book House.

During his speech, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, gave information about the new library. Stressing that the university always attaches great importance to books and science, Professor Mustafa Babanli said that a new open-air library would be created in the near future.

It was noted that the open library currently has up to 1,200 books and plans to increase this number. In the library, consisting of 16 blocks, there are publications in 4 languages. Books mainly consist of scientific literature, specialised books, fiction and other publications suitable for studying. All conditions have been created to ensure that students make the most of the round-the-clock open library.

In conclusion, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, answered the students' questions about the open library and said that their requests and proposals for expanding libraries and opening new ones at the university will always be considered.
