

News 05 Jan 2023
Big Data Processing System by ASOIU teacher and students

Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Information Security of the University in the computer laboratory of the Israel-Azerbaijan centre. Kamran Agayev, organiser of the meeting, Big Data Processing Technologies lecturer at ASOIU and DBA Team Head at AzerCell, informed about the Hadoop and Spark cluster systems developed for data processing with his students. At the meeting, the system's resources created by the union of 17 computers were demonstrated, and the development mechanism was discussed.

Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector, having familiarised himself with the system created by the teacher and students, stressed its importance and thanked them for their business activity and successful results.
