

News 06 Jan 2023
ASOIU expands ties with manufacturing enterprises

A meeting has been held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) between Karim Shakuri, Head of the English company TWI in Azerbaijan and other representatives of the company with a group of university employees - Sakit Samadov, Adviser to the Rector on University-Industry Collaboration and Work with Alumni, Bahruz Nazarov, Director of the PR and Marketing Department, academic staff, including Professor Lala Bakirova, Head of the Instrumentation Department, students and employees of the department.

 England's TWI company has been providing Engineering and Training-Certification activities based on international quality standards and norms in Azerbaijan since 2012. At the meeting, it was stated that the company is ready for close cooperation with the university in preparing technical experts and high-quality specialists for well-known international and local companies with which they cooperate. TWI's role as a bridge in the university's relationship with industrial enterprises, prospects for expanding cooperation in this field, and new projects were discussed.

 The representatives from both sides noted that in addition to the training of highly qualified personnel at ASOIU, developing research-oriented directions is particularly important in the university during the meeting, various issues related to education, science, training, experience and certifications were discussed.

Karim Shakuri, Head of TWI (Azerbaijan Branch), expressing his interest in training highly qualified specialists in English and Azerbaijani languages at the master's level in the speciality "Quality control, diagnostic procedures and systems" at the Instrumentation Department, said that for this students will receive a certificate in accordance with their qualifications, as well as an internship in an institution. In order to realize the issues discussed at the meeting and find a legal basis, it is planned to sign a memorandum between the parties.
