

News 09 Jan 2023
Autumn semester exam session continues at ASOIU

14,488 bachelor's and 2,704 masters will take part in the examination session of the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). So far, 11,521 students have participated in exams. 538 of them got unsatisfactory, 3230 satisfactory, 2045 fair, 2086  good, 1478 very good and 2055  excellent marks. 72 students did not participate in the exams, and 16 were excluded.

At ASOIU, all measures have been taken to organise the examination session by the current rules to ensure transparency and objectivity in assessing students' knowledge. In order to provide clarity on examinations, the Exam Observation Center supervises the examination process.

It should be noted that exams are in 2 forms (written, written and oral). Exam results are coded and, after verification, are posted in the electronic university (Unibook) within 24 hours. The exam session of the autumn semester at ASOIU began on December 26 at the correspondence department and on January 5 at full-time. Students who receive an unsatisfactory mark on the exam (for the exam with credit arrears in only two subjects) can retake the exam on February 3-15 with a payment of 25%.
