

News 12 Jan 2023
Meeting with Head of BCED at ASOIU

On January 12, a meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with the head of the Baku city Education Department (BCED).

Mehriban Valiyeva, Head of the Baku city Education Department and the delegation first visited the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) laboratories, the Azerbaijani-Turkish Friendship Center and the AzII e-Book House. Visiting the mineralogical museum, representatives got acquainted with various exhibits stored there. Museum Director Assoc. Prof. Agamehdi Agayev told the visitors in detail about the minerals preserved here. Then the guests visited the memorial complex of martyrs-graduates of the university and the monument to the National Hero Mubariz Ibragimov and paid tribute to their memory.

After getting acquainted with the university, a meeting was held between the Head of the Baku city Education Department and Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of ASOIU, and the university's academic staff.

Welcoming the guests at the university Prof. M. Babanli, the Rector, provide them with detailed information about the university's educational process, specialities, and social activities, as well as international cooperation and scientific achievements of the university.

Expressing satisfaction with her stay at the university, M.Valiyeva, the Head of the Baku city Education Department, highly appreciated the educational environment created here and the experience of ASOIU in start-ups. The meeting discussed assistance in supporting start-up ideas for students of secondary schools located in Baku and the work that can be carried out jointly with the university in this direction.
