

News 20 Jan 2023
ASOIU commemorates martyrs of January 20

On January 19, an event dedicated to the memory of martyrs on January 20 was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). 

At the event, Professor Mustafa Babanli, ASOIU Rector, and the academic staff of the university laid carnations at the bas-relief of martyrs at the university and honoured their memory with a minute of silence.

Professor Mustafa Babanli, the rector, speaking about the events of January 20, stressed that the memory of our martyrs who died for the national freedom and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan will always be honoured. Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that the events of the night of January 20, which took place 33 years ago, were the struggle of the people for national freedom and are a glorious page in our history. He said this unity has always justified itself, and our people united into a single fist. As a result, during the Patriotic War of 2020, our army liberated the ancestral lands of Azerbaijan from the enemy in 44 days.

Family members and relatives of our martyrs who participated in the event thanked the university administration for their attention and respect.
