

News 24 Jan 2023
Presentation of Technical-Popular series in ASOIU

On January 24, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), for the first time in the history of our country, hosted a presentation of 16 books of the Technical-Popular series.

University vice rectors, academic staff, executives and media representatives attended the presentation.

Opening the event, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, spoke about the importance of 16 books of the Technical-Popular series dedicated to various fields of science of the university and said that ASOIU regularly publishes books on multiple areas of science, primarily technical, chemical, energy and geological.

During the event, it was spoken about the importance of further improvement of scientific literature in the modern world, and it was noted that the presented Technical-Popular series is an essential resource in technical fields and not only for students but also masters, doctoral students, teachers and scientists to use books. In conclusion, the book's authors shared their impressions and thanked the university administration for the high-quality publication of books.

It should be noted that the Technical-Popular series is intended to popularise science in Azerbaijan and a wide range of readers. A series of 16 books was printed in Istanbul with the support of Baku Maintenance Service LLC.
