

News 18 Feb 2023
ASOIU holds graduation day of Code for future scholarship program

On February 18, the graduation day of the Code for future scholarship program was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event started with the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, speaking about the essence of the project and its importance for young people, congratulated the students who completed the program and wished them success in their future activities.

Fatima Alakbarova, head of the “Technest” Scholarship Program of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency, informed about the current scholarship programs and congratulated the graduates.

Maliha Huseynzade, head of the Code for future project, spoke about statistics and overall results.

Then, the presentation of the projects of 5 teams of project graduates was held, and at the end, the graduates who successfully completed the program were awarded certificates.

The event continued in an informal form.

It should be noted that this time 103 people graduated from the Code for future project in 4 areas (Big Data, Front-end Development, Backend Development, and QA Engineering).
