

News 18 Feb 2023
Meeting with ASOIU graduates

On February 18, an informal meeting was held with the graduates of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). 

The meeting was attended by Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, teaching staff, employees and graduates of past years.

Professor M.Babanli, Rector, speaking about the importance of cooperation with the graduates, noted that they represent the University in the institutions and support the establishment of relations with those institutions. Noting that ASOIU graduates have always highly represented the University in the country and worldwide, M.Babanli, Rector, said he was glad to meet the graduates and wished them success in their activities. 

In their speeches, the graduates of the past years also said that ASOIU is always home educational institution for them and expressed their readiness to support the expansion of relations between the University and the enterprises. 

The meeting continued around the breakfast table.
