

News 16 Feb 2023
Rector of ASOIU meets with official representative of the University in China

On February 16, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with ASOIU's representative in China, Dr Renying Li. 

Welcoming the guest at the University, Professor M.Babanli, Rector, spoke about expanding teaching opportunities and student exchange. Noting that cooperation in a student exchange with China has always been given particular importance at the University, Professor M.Babanli, Rector, emphasised the importance of doing new work to develop relations after the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. 

Due to the widespread pandemic in the world, Dr Renying Lee, who represented the University Online, said he was glad to be at the University after a long time. 

In the end, Renying Li was awarded the Jubilee medal for the 100th anniversary of ASOIU.
