

News 05 Feb 2023
Autumn semester exam session ended at ASOIU

The exam session of the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) ended on February 2. 

Of the 11,248 students in the full-time department at the Bachelor's level, 11,137 took part in the exams, of which 365 people received excellent grades, 1,888 good grades, 6,190 mixed, and 2,694 unsatisfactory grades. 111 students did not take part in the exams for no good reason. Overall, ASOIU's full-time success rate at the Bachelor's level was 75.8%, and quality indicators were 20.2%. Compared with the results of the relevant exam session of the last academic year, the success rate increased by 1.9%, and the quality rate decreased by 0.8%.

199 out of 203 students studying in the correspondence department at the Bachelor's level took part in the exams. 5 of them received excellent, good and very good grades, 156 mixed, and 38- unsatisfactory. 4 students did not take part in the exams for no good reason. In the correspondence department, the success rate was 98.0%, and the quality rate was 2.5%.

Of the 2154 students studying at the master's level, 2056 took part in the exams, of which 413 received excellent grades, 842 good and very good, 712 mixed, and 89- unsatisfactory. ASOIU's success rate at the master's level was 95.7%, and the quality rate was 61.0%.

Of the 297 students studying in the MBA program, 168 took part in the exams, of which 12 Masters received excellent grades, 63 good and very good, 83 mixed, and 10- unsatisfactory. 4 students did not participate for no good reason. The MBA program success rate at the master's level was 94.0%, and the quality rate was 44.6%. 

Of 504 students from SABAH groups, 501 took part in the exams. Of these, 113 people received excellent grades, 259 good and very good, 118 mixed, and 11 unsatisfactory. The success rate for SABAH groups was 97.8%, and the quality indicator was 74.3%.

It should be noted that all measures have been taken to organise the exam session per the existing rules and ensure transparency and objectivity in assessing students ' knowledge. The examination process was controlled by the examination Observation Center established to ensure transparency.

Exams are held in 2 forms (written and written-oral). After checking, the exam answers are coded, and the results are posted within 24 hours at the Unibook. The exam session of the autumn semester at ASOIU started on December 26 in the correspondence department and on January 5 in the full-time department. Students who have received insufficient marks on the exam (only on the deficit exam in 2 subjects) can retake the exam from February 3 to 15 with a 25
