

News 23 Feb 2023
ASOIU hosts roundtable on Khojaly genocide

On February 23, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a round table dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the Khojaly genocide. Associate Professor Ata Babayev, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, spoke about the crimes committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis in different periods at the event attended by the academic staff and students of the University. He noted that the Khojaly genocide is also one of the most severe crimes committed by the enemy against humanity, and the Azerbaijan Army took revenge on the enemy, and today the Azerbaijani flag is waving all over our lands.

Professor Jamal Mustafayev, Head of the Department of Humanities and Irada Nuriyeva, Professor of the Department, speaking about the Khojaly genocide, made a small excursion into the history of Azerbaijan. By listing the historical facts, they brought to the student's attention that the Armenian Dashnaks tried to commit crimes against Azerbaijanis at every opportunity to occupy the Azerbaijani lands. The speeches also noted that historical justice was restored in time, and in 2020, our lands, which were under enemy occupation for almost 30 years, were liberated within 44 days.

Speaking on behalf of the students, ASOIU's second-year student Asiman Najafli said that they will always study the history of Azerbaijan carefully and will bring it to the next generation.
