

News 01 Mar 2023
ASOIU hosts event on Civil Defense Day

On March 1, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a “The role of information technologies in risk assessment” event on World Civil Defense day.

Associate Professor Ata Babayev, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, and Elshan Mammadov, Chief of ASOIU Civil Defence headquarters, spoke about the importance of the topic. Event participants were informed about the history of Civil Defense day. They talked about the importance of attention to civil defence in our country, including ASOIU.

The purpose of holding this day annually is to draw public attention to the vital importance of this organisation and to assess the work and dedication of Civil Defense personnel adequately. Ensuring the protection of the population and the

preparation of the people in the field of emergency protection is the number one task before the Civil Defense authorities.

It should be noted that world Civil Defense Day is celebrated annually as a mass humanitarian event on the occasion of the establishment of the world Civil Defense Organisation in 1972. Azerbaijan became a member of this influential international organisation in 1993.
