

News 02 Mar 2023
III International Scientific Conference stars at ASOIU

On March 2, the III International Scientific Conference "Reconstruction and restoration in post-conflict situations" started at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Professor Latafat Gardashova, Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Jamal Mustafayev, Head of the Department of Humanities, Professor Rafig Aliyev, doctor of technical sciences, director of BA programs, vice-rectors, as well as academic staff and doctoral students of the University attended the opening ceremony of the conference, which was held in a hybrid format.

The conference discussed reconstruction, restoration in post-conflict situations, long-term effects of conflict, climate change, priorities of economic policy, economic security, restoration of cultural and historical facilities, education, science, and theoretical issues of post-conflict policy and planning.

Then parallel meetings were held on "Theoretical issues and models of post-conflict policies and planning" and "Economic development of regions".

It should be noted that 48 articles out of 100 submitted to the International Conference, which will last two days, were accepted (19 in Azerbaijani, 29 in English).  The international scientific conference, held online and offline, will end on March 3.
