

News 03 Mar 2023
ASOIU holds final seminar of III International Scientific Conference

On March 3, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the final meeting of the III International Scientific Conference "Reconstruction and restoration in post-conflict situations". 

Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, university vice-rectors and academic staff attended the conference's closing ceremony. 

Professor M.Babanli, the Rector, spoke about the conference's purpose, presented theses and articles. Professor M.Babanli said that while new management and development models are relevant in the modern world, keeping up with new challenges is one of the main pillars of development. The Rector added that such conferences are essential from this point of view, and the topic is remarkable for its diversity and serves as a base for new trends. 

Then the report of the chairpersons of the section was heard.

It should be noted that the conference lasted two days. The 48 articles out of 100 submitted to the International Conference were accepted (19 in Azerbaijani, 29 in English).
