

News 04 Mar 2023
ASOIU employees awarded with international certificate

On March 4, within the framework of the project implemented at the initiative of the Azerbaijan Project Management Association at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), a ceremony of presenting international certificates to the teachers from 8 universities was held.

Speaking at the event, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, pointed out the importance of training young people in project management in the modern world and the steps the University took in this direction. Then, Professor Igbal Babayev, the president of AzPMA, gave examples of international experiences and talked about new approaches and opportunities in the project management system.

Representatives of Azerbaijan Technical University, National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and construction, Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management, Azerbaijan Engineering University, Azerbaijan State University of Economics attended the event.

Ultimately, each participant who completed the exam based on IPMA international standards was awarded an international certificate. Their names are included in the International Register of IPMA, and countries worldwide will recognise the certificate they received.

In the end, the participants expressed their gratitude to Igbal Babayev for the project's initiative and Mustafa Babanli for the organisation. Also, the participants got acquainted with the newly opened Open Library at ASOIU at the end of the event.
