

News 10 Mar 2023
ASOIU hosts meeting dedicated to Zeynalabdin Tagiyev

On March 10, a meeting organised by PU on the maintenance of national-spiritual values "Aydinliga dogru" and "Damla Low-Income Families Support" PU within the "Teaching student and youth of H.Z.Tagiyev's sample life" project was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). 

Opening the event, Professor Latafat Gardashova, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, welcomed the guests and talked about the importance of promoting H.Z.Tagiyev's activities among young people. 

Professor Jamal Mustafayev, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of ASOIU, spoke about H.Z.Tagiyev's life and activities and his high moral qualities, such as charity and patriotism. 

Then a video about the magnate's life was shown. 

The historian Firdovsiya Ahmadova gave detailed information about H.Z.Tagiyev's life and activities and spoke about his services in the field of education and charity. He talked about his charity work to educate the younger generation, especially his invaluable services for involving girls in education. 

Anar Yusufzade, an international expert on Islamic banking and Togrul Alakbar, a career planning expert, spoke about the importance of Tagiyev's large-scale charity work and its impact on the development of youth's careers.

Solmaz Amirli, Chairman of the PU "Aydinliga dogru", said that charity enriches a person spiritually and offered students to create a "Tagiyev club" and continue the tradition of great philanthropy. 

Nigar Abdullayeva, Chairman of the "Damla" PU, said that the main goal is to restore the culture of charity and apply it to modern society. 

In the end, the students' questions were answered, and those who participated actively in the meeting were awarded.
