

News 14 Mar 2023
Results of UFAZ Code for Future hackathon sponsored by Azercell, were announced

On March 14, the Azerbaijani-French University announced the results of the "Code for Future" hackathon, which Azercell sponsored. 

The hackathon aimed to bring together young and innovative minds to solve real-life problems in technology, innovation, and communication. Participants were tasked with offering solutions on five different topics, including corporate marketplace, spending management solutions, gamified features, digital asset marketplace, and sell your talents app. 

A total of 120 teams from 17 universities registered to compete, with 30 teams selected to participate in the final stage held on March 4th and 5th. Each team consisted of three students who performed code and programming tasks related to one of the given topics. To encourage active participation by female students in the field of ICT, UFAZ and Azercell required that the teams be gender-mixed. 

During the two-day competition, professional mentors from Azercell and UFAZ supported the participants. In the final stage, the teams presented their results with technical and business presentations to the jury. 

According to the jury's decision, the "3leet" team of Murad Baghirli (UFAZ), Vugar Abdullayev (BHOS), and Gultaj Seyid (BHOS) won first place with their Digital Asset Marketplace solution. The "Perihelion" team of UFAZ students, Ilkin Karimli, Kamal Alasgarli, and Narmin Mustafali won second place with a corporate marketplace solution, and the "Optimum" team of Yusif Askari, Aziz Zeynalli (both UFAZ), and Sayyara Hasanova (ASOIU) took third place with a digital asset marketplace solution. 

The teams were awarded cash prizes worth 3000, 2000, and 1000 AZN, respectively, and special gifts from the main sponsor Azercell. 

The Azerbaijani-French University congratulates all the winners and wishes success to the students participating in the competition. 
