

News 16 Mar 2023
ASOIU holds "Novruz lectures"

On March 16, the following "Novruz lectures" meeting was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

At the meeting, Professor Jamal Mustafayev, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, delivered a lecture on "Shusha city is a miracle of Azerbaijan in the chest of Karabakh".

Speaking about the history of the ancient city of Shusha, Professor J.Mustafayev gave detailed information to the students about the historical monuments of Shusha, the cradle of culture, and antique architectural pearls. Noting that the city of Shusha is declared the cultural capital of the Turkic world, Professor J.Mustafayev also touched upon the geographical position of Shusha, the historical etymology of the name of Shusha and other historical moments.

In the end, the students' questions were answered.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Education has been conducting "Novruz lectures" since 2016. Various issues on Azerbaijan's history, science, culture and education are delivered to the public by MPs, well-known scientists, and International and local education experts.
