

News 30 Mar 2023
ASOIU commemorates victims of the March 31 –genocide

On March 30, an event dedicated to the March 31 day of genocide of Azerbaijanis was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).  

The event began with a minute of silence commemorating the victims of the March 31 genocide and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the motherland.  

Opening the event, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, conveyed greetings of Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, to the participants and noted the importance of educating young people in the spirit of patriotism by remembering the genocide and protecting our national and moral values.  

Professor Jamal Mustafayev, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, spoke about the terrible massacres committed by Armenians pursuing a centuries-old policy of extortion in our lands and also spoke about the political landscape and historical facts of that time.  

Irada Nuriyeva, Professor of the Department of Humanities, said that along with essential events in the history of Azerbaijan, 1918 was remembered for the genocide committed against Azerbaijanis to prevent our national independence and noted that the March 31 genocide became the bloodiest Chronicle of our history with its horrors.  

Then ASOIU students presented," March 31 is the day of genocide of Azerbaijanis".  

Note a book exhibition dedicated to March 31 - the Day of the Azerbaijani Genocide was organised at AzII E-Book House, the Open Library operating under the Book House. The exhibition presents books, periodicals and magazines in Azerbaijani, Russian and English, reflecting the genocide of Azerbaijanis and crimes committed by Armenians in Azerbaijan. 
