

News 03 Apr 2023
ASOIU holds meeting with delegation of China University of Petroleum

On April 3, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with the delegation of China University of Petroleum (Beijing). 

After greeting the guests, Rector, Professor M.Babanli, gave detailed information about the educational process, specialities, international students, international projects and cooperation at the University. Noting that there are Chinese students among the foreigners studying at ASOIU, Rector M.Babanli stressed the importance of collaboration with Chinese universities, especially with the China University of Petroleum, and said it is essential to develop bilateral relations in many areas, including energy and the environment. 

Expressing the pleasure of being at ASOIU, Chen Feng, Chancellor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), thanked him for the cooperation and attention. Noting the implementation of many projects on green energy and climate change, the guest said that ASOIU is a close friend and strategic partner in this area, and there are many opportunities for cooperation. 

Student exchange, energy and environmental issues, and cooperation in summer school and other areas were discussed at the meeting. 

In the end, the guests were presented with memorable gifts. 
