

News 04 Apr 2023
ASOIU employees met with students of Zekalar Lyceum

On April 4, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University employees - Professor Gazanfar Suleymanov, Head of the Management Department, Associate Professor Sadagat Ibrahimova and teacher Rashid Jabrayilov met with senior students at Zekalar Lyceum No.287. At the meeting, Professor Gazanfar Suleymanov informed the students about ASOIU 's educational process and reconstruction works. He spoke about the relationship with students at the University and emphasized that ASOIU graduates are in high demand in the labour market, and their employment opportunities are high. 

ASOIU teachers Sadagat Ibrahimova and Rashid Jabrayilov gave detailed information about existing specialities, places for each thing, internships, and startups operating at the University, Digital Development and Innovation Center. 

Aygun Ahmadli, Director of the Lyceum, PhD in biology, warmly welcomed the guests and thanked them for the meeting. She noted that this meeting would increase students' impressions of higher education institutions, including ASOIU, and will manifest in better-studying pupils; they will be motivated. 
