

News 06 Apr 2023
Memorandum signed between ASOIU and AICTIA

On April 6, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with Elvin Abbasov, chairman of the Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association and the delegation. ASOIU's teaching staff and students also attended the meeting.  

Welcoming the guests, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector, spoke about the university's existing education and the wide application of modern technology in the training system. Noting the importance of IT knowledge for an educational institution that trains qualified specialists, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector, said that special courses are operating in this direction at the university. It was brought to the guests' attention that today at ASOIU, students are not only given knowledge in the speciality in which they study. They are trained as comprehensive specialists following modern challenges. Attention is paid to improving education, introducing modern technology and methodology for forming professional engineering personnel into the educational process, and developing knowledge of foreign languages. Speaking about cooperation with the Association, in which quite experienced specialists in the field of IT operate, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, expressed hope that this cooperation would bring high results.  

Elvin Abbasov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association, expressed interest in cooperation with ASOIU and noted that this cooperation would also expand internship opportunities and provide students with jobs. He added that although it is necessary to have IT knowledge for a positive result today, it is essential to know the scientific base, and we believe that ASOIU students will learn this fundamental base and achieve success.   

In their speeches, the experts of the Association emphasised the importance of the proper use of modern information technologies for flexible development and competition in manufacturing enterprises, including in various fields of science. They noted that the acquisition of innovations related to digital management and IT in parallel with the speciality in the educational process would play a unique role in the formation of basic knowledge of future professional specialists.  

Then the parties signed a memorandum of cooperation on the topic under discussion. 
