

News 07 Apr 2023
ASOIU Professor lectures to pupils of school lyceum No 62

On April 7, Professor Arif Alakbarov, the head of the Department of "Industrial Economics" of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, delivered a lecture to the pupils of school lyceum No 62 in Nizami district.  

At the meeting, Professor Arif Alakbarov informed the pupils about ASOIU, gave detailed information about positive changes in the University's education field, the educational process, taught specialities, scientific achievements, and student life and attention paid to it.  

Professor A.Alakbarov answered the questions of future applicants and told them that it is essential to be careful in choosing a speciality and study well from secondary school to gain knowledge to achieve a successful future. 

Matanat Jabbarli, the director of the school lyceum, thanked Professor A.Alakbarov and the ASOIU management for taking time and meeting with the students. 
