

News 06 Apr 2023
ASOIU staff met with secondary school pupils in Baku

On April 6, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University staff - Professor Gazanfar Suleymanov, Head of the Management Department, Associate Professor Sadagat Ibrahimova and teacher Rashid Jabrayilov met with senior pupils at secondary school №72 in Sabunchu district and secondary school №245 in Khatai district. 

At the meeting, Professor Gazanfar Suleymanov informed about the reforms carried out at ASOIU, reconstruction work, educational process and providing students with high knowledge in their specialities. Speaking about the attitude towards students at the University, the Professor said that ASOIU graduates are always needed and justify themselves as qualified specialists.  

Sadagat Ibrahimova and Rashid Jabrayilov, ASOIU teachers, informed the pupils about specific specialities, internship processes, modern IT courses and scholarships organised for students at the University, as well as structural units serving to ensure quality education. 

Thanking the guests for taking time and coming to the meeting with pupils, the administration of both secondary schools said that these meetings would further increase their interest in education and inspire them. 
