

News 11 Apr 2023
ASOIU signs Memorandum with AWEDA Public Union

On April 11, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with Sakina Babayeva, chairman of the Azerbaijan Women's Entrepreneurship Development Association Public Union (AWEDA) and several women entrepreneurs led by her. ASOIU vice-rectors and teachers also attended the meeting. 

Welcoming the guests at the meeting organised by Sakit Samadov, ASOIU rector's advisor on University-Industrial Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, first spoke about the educational and training process existing at the University and about the broad application of modern scientific and methodological approaches in teaching. Noting the increase in the number of women in Azerbaijan in socio-economic, social, cultural and other spheres, especially in the education sector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector, said that currently, 23 per cent of the student contingent of the University is girls, and 52 per cent of employees are female employees. 

Noting the importance of cooperation with the Azerbaijan Women's Entrepreneurship Development Association Public Union (AWEDA), the Rector said that the University's collaboration with entrepreneurs will also affect the provision of our students with experience and jobs. 

Sakina Babayeva, chairman of the Azerbaijan Women's Entrepreneurship Development Association Public Union (AWEDA), spoke about the conditions created for women entrepreneurs in the country. She said economics and entrepreneurship could achieve higher achievements in cooperation with scientific institutions. In this sense, the Union headed by her is interested in partnership with ASOIU, which will manifest itself both in the training of future successful entrepreneurs and in the employment of students and graduates. 

Promising projects were discussed at the meeting through a mutual exchange of views. Then the parties signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on the topic under discussion.
