

News 12 Apr 2023
ASOIU holds the next seminar on modern training in the auditoriums

On April 12, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a seminar on "The Foundation for the Success of Higher Education: modern training in the Auditoriums". Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, and academic staff of the University attended the seminar.

At the event, which was organised as a continuation of the training seminar on "The foundation for the success of Higher Education: modern training in the Auditorium, " the martyrs who died for the motherland were commemorated with 1 minute of silence. 

Asif Jahangirov, the President of the International Association of Educational Organisations on Humanistic Pedagogy and education specialist, presented and shared with the participants' many essential points related to higher education in modern times. Speaking about the modern education system, he talked about presentations, lectures, their organisation, delivery to students in a more convenient and contemporary form, and new teaching methodologies. At the training seminar, a connoisseur of Professional Education, talking about various directions related to modern education, answered the participants' questions on the topic and shared his rich experience with them. 

In the end, the guest was presented a gift by Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of ASOIU.
