

News 20 Apr 2023
Memorandum signed between ASOIU and Azerbaijan Franchising Association

On April 20, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, met with the chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan Franchising Association, Jamid Movsumov and the delegation led by him. ASOIU’s teaching staff and students also attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guests at the meeting organised by Sakit Samadov, ASOIU rector's advisor on University-Industrial Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, gave information about the existing education and training process at the University and spoke about the successful results of artificial intelligence and startup projects. Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, added that the purpose of the cooperation is to inform students about franchising and to promote the products and services of the university and its inventions in the wide business market.

Jamid Movsumov, Chairman of the Board of the Azerbaijan Franchising Association, informed about the activities of the Association. He said that they are interested in cooperation with ASOIU, and in the future, they will take steps to plan internships and jobs for students within the framework of cooperation, also the implementation of new projects.

Perspective projects were discussed at the meeting held within the mutual exchange of views. Then the parties signed a memorandum of cooperation on the topic under discussion.
