

News 27 Apr 2023
ASOIU holds event “The Great Comeback”

On April 27, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted an event entitled “The Great Comeback” by the Children-Youth Development Center No. 2. 

First, a minute of silence to commemorate the Patriotic War martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has been observed.  

Opening the event, Associate Professor Farid Agayev, dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control (ITCF), greeted the guests and spoke about the importance of the event for young people and informed students about the history of the liberated cities, mainly the Pearl of Karabakh, Shusha. 

Then, ASOIU students Nubar Mammadli and Hajiaga Azizov made a presentation on “Stages of development of Shusha city” and “The great comeback”.  

Amina Musayeva, Director of the Children-Youth Development Center No. 2, thanked the university administration. She spoke about the measures taken to prevent the creation of distorted maps of Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia and its use. Amina Musayeva added that our young people should be more active in this issue and know every inch of the land of Azerbaijan and proudly pass it on to the next generation. 
