

News 30 Apr 2023
ASOIU commemorates victims of the April 30 terror

On April 30, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a memorial event dedicated to the victims of the April 30 terror.

The memorial ceremony, attended by the university's academic staff and relatives of the victims of the tragedy, was held in front of the bas-relief in memory of the victims of the April 30 terror. Wreaths were laid in front of the monument on behalf of the ASOIU staff, and bouquets were laid. 

Speaking at the event, Professor Mustafa Babanli, ASOIU Rector, expressed his condolences to the families and relatives of the victims of the tragedy and talked about the terrorist attack committed 14 years ago and said that ASOIU's valuable teachers' and students' lives were claimed because of this massacre. Noting that the memory of the victims of the tragedy is always remembered at the university, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, said that the memory of 23 graduates of the ASOIU who died in the Patriotic War also will always be honoured with deep respect.

A video about the April 30 event was shown at the commemorative event. Then the family members of the terror victims thanked the university administration for the constant remembrance of their loved ones who lost their lives at ASOIU and expressed their consent.

It should be noted that 14 years have passed since the terrorist act committed on April 30, 2009, at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (now the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University). As a result of the bloody incident, 12 people were killed, and 13 were seriously injured. 

On February 18, 2017, a bas-relief dedicated to the memory of the incident's victims was opened in the lobby of the II educational building of ASOIU, where the terrorist act was committed. Every year, on April 30, the date of the incident, a memorial event is held with the participation of the university administration, officials and relatives of people who died in the terrorist attack, and the memory of his victims is perpetuated.
