

News 10 May 2023
ASOIU Futsal Championship winners awarded

The winners of the Futsal Championship dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev were awarded by the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

 Namig Ganjayev, ASOIU STUC Chairman, Sahaddin Ahmadov, ASOIU Sports Club Chairman and team members attended the award ceremony. Namig Ganjayev congratulated the winning teams, spoke about the success of the university futsal team and stressed that greater achievements await them in the future. ASOIU Sports Club chairman Sahaddin Ahmadov congratulated the teams on their victory and wished them success.

Then the winning teams and organisers were awarded diplomas, certificates, certificates of Appreciation, medals and Cups, respectively.

Starting April 25 of the current year, with 82 teams, the championship continued in 4 stages.
