

News 15 May 2023
Lectures of ASOIU students at enterprises

Lectures of many disciplines taught at the Department of Organic Substances and Technology of High-Molecular Compounds of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) during the autumn-spring semester were held at production facilities. During the semester, employees of the department and students visited various institutions in connection with the implementation of many research works. 

 Students majoring in Chemical Engineering visited Tekoplast, SOCAR AZNEFT PU, SOCAR Diving Equipment Repair and Rental Experimental Production Facility, Nur rubber, Socar Polymer, Rubber products plant, Polymart, “Fab” paint and chemical industry, Fin Plast International, High Technologies Park, MET-AK LLC and got acquainted with the production process. 

In addition, students majoring in Food Engineering had lectures in Absheron Sharab OJSC, Milk Pro, Delta Group, “Çörəkçi” factory, “Ulduz” Chocolate Factory, “Sevimli dad”, “Coca-Cola” and other enterprises. They observed their theoretical knowledge in practice.
