

News 17 May 2023
ASOIU holds educational meeting on e-Science and education services

On May 17, a meeting was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) to educate students about e-services provided to citizens by the Ministry of Science and Education.

At the meeting, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, welcomed the participants and spoke about the purpose of the meeting and its importance for students.

Employees of the Ministry of Science and Education Aysel Bakhshalizade, Hamid Gasimov, Ilkin Mekhdiyev and Khalida Huseynzade informed the students about the electronic services of the ministry. At the same time, a presentation on the procedure for using e-services was demonstrated, and detailed information about e-education services and e-application portals was provided.

In the end, the participants' questions were answered.
