

News 18 May 2023
ASOIU hosts master class on "The importance of job interviews and LinkedIn" for students

On May 18, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a master class for students by employees of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and Clubs (KOBSKA), organised by the Public Relations and Marketing Department (PRMD).

At the master class on" The importance of job interview and LinkedIn", Aygun Ramazanova, trainer-hr specialist, and Kamal Mahmudov, head of the Academy of Entrepreneurship, spoke to students of the Faculties of Chemical Technology (KTF) and Economics and Management (EMF) about the basic principles of career advancement, professional business and competitive development in the business environment, and also shared their views on how to determine future steps for a successful career and other aspects of career development. In the end, students' questions on the subject were answered.
