

News 22 May 2023
Well-known Turkish scientist Celal Şengör visited ASOIU

On May 22, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a conference dedicated to the meeting of students and teachers with the world-famous Turkish scientist, Prof. Celal Şengör.

Opening the event, Prof. Latafat Gardashova, ASOIU vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, welcomed the well-known scientist Celal Şengör at the University and said that the meeting of the valuable guest gave great incentive to the young people. She informed about the invaluable activity of the outstanding geologist in this field.

Expressing satisfaction with being at the University, C.Şengör expressed his deep gratitude to the Azerbaijani youth and university administration for their attention and love. Sharing his experience with young people in geology and other areas of science, C.Şengör highly appreciated the development of geological science in Azerbaijan and the successes of qualified specialists in this field.

Gulam Babayev, Doctor of Earth Sciences of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, said that the well-known scientist C. Şengör is very loved in Azerbaijan. As a scientist, he has won great sympathy from young people. G.Babayev stressed that the works of scientists and geology are of great importance for young researchers working in Geophysics.

At the end of the event, the well-known scientist C. Şengör answered the participants' questions.

In the end, C.Şengör visited the Mineralogical Museum of ASOIU. Agamehdi Agayev, associate professor, director of the Museum, gave detailed information about the name, the chemical composition of minerals and the deposits where they were found.
