

News 23 May 2023
ASOIU student dedicates book to the 100th anniversary of great leader

On May 23, AZII e-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation of the book “Gəncliyə örnək olan həyat” by Sanan Huseynov, a first-year student of the Oil Mechanical Faculty (NMF), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of great leader Heydar Aliyev.

Opening the presentation ceremony, Salahat Mahmudova, director of AzII e-Book House, spoke about the importance of the new edition dedicated to the great leader for readers, included in the database and system of the e-Book House.

After the video dedicated to the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was demonstrated, Gahraman Hasanov, professor, advisor to the vice-rector for scientific affairs, Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, associate professor, dean of OMF, Jamal Mustafayev, Professor, the head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, Ibrahim Habibov, professor of OMF, Jamaladdin Aslanov, associate professor, head of the Industrial machines Department of OMF, Namig Ganjayev, chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee and other participants shared their thoughts about the book at the event. During the speeches, speakers highly appreciated the publication about the great leader Heydar Aliyev and his political activity, attention to youth and outstanding services rendered to our people. It was noted that as a young man, the student approached the remarkable life and activities of the national leader Heydar Aliyev with the general view of Azerbaijani youth while writing the book and could express this in the facts he collected. His courage to write a book about a great personality was highly appreciated. The speakers thanked the author for writing and creating such a valuable book on the eve of the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev.

Expressing his gratitude for the attention from the university staff and teachers, the value given to him and the new edition, Sanan Huseynov, the author, said that writing a book about the national leader is a great responsibility and, at the same time, an honourable work for him. Assessing the book as a manifestation of his admiration for the life and activity of the genius person, he expressed his hope that the publication would gain a large readership in a short time.

It should be noted that Sanan Huseynov’s book “Gəncliyə örnək olan həyat” has been published in ASOIU. The book, published in 2023, is of high quality and exquisite design.
